Module 1 - Introduction to the Artifical Intelligence and Desing Thinking

 AI stands at the forefront, reshaping industries, revolutionizing processes, and challenging our understanding of what's possible. In module one, the basic concept of AI was revealed, as well as the brief history of artificial intelligence. On the other hand, there were many thoughts related to the module since many of us only knew about the term "artificial intelligence" to know, but we did not know anything about how it started, how to use it, and so on. When we hear the term "artificial intelligence," many of us conjure up images from science fiction: sentient robots, super-intelligent computers, and machines capable of surpassing human capabilities in every domain. However, the reality of AI is often quite different from these fantastical depictions. Furthermore, there may have been concerns and fears about the potential implications of AI about whether we are going to develop this correctly, but the most important is to make it.


  1. That’s true! At the beginning I thought that working by using AI was something very futuristic and out of this world, and then I realized that we have used AI since a long time ago.

  2. Hi Eduar! I agreed with you. I think we never imagined how useful AI it would be for us; but now, we are ready to continue learning more about it.


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